Monthly CircleCI Images Update: August 2020

Hey Everyone,

Small update this month. I just want to remind you all on two big changes for Convenience Images. 1) The Android image will be updating from Java 8 to Java 11 on August 17th. 2) The default Ubuntu version of Convenience Images will switch to Ubuntu 20.04 starting in September. Both of these changes we’re discussed in more detail in last month’s post.

Many people have requested -browsers variant support for our next-gen Convenience Images. We heard you and that is now our top priority. We’ll provide more information when we can. Stay tuned to the forum and the Ecosystem/Images category.


Ricardo N Feliciano (FelicianoTech)
Community & Partner Engineering Team

July’s Changes:


  • Base (cimg/base) - Docker Compose v1.26.2. (ref)
  • Go (cimg/go) - Publish Go v1.13.13 and v1.14.5. (ref)
  • Go (cimg/go) - Publish Go v1.13.14 and v1.14.6. (ref)
  • Go (cimg/go) - GoTestSum v0.5.2. (ref)
  • Node.js (cimg/node) - Publish v10.22.0, v12.18.3, and v14.6.0. (ref)
  • Node.js (cimg/node) - Publish v14.7.0. (ref)
  • Rust (cimg/rust) - Publish Rust v1.45.0. (ref)
  • Rust (cimg/rust) - Publish Rust v1.45.1. (ref)


  • The Elixir image (cimg/elixir) is now GA/stable!
  • The OpenJDK image (cimg-openjdk) is now GA/stable!

If you have any questions, please let us know here.


There is an issue with image - circleci/openjdk:8-jdk-browsers

it is build on top of chrome browser version : 84.0.4147.30

but this version is affected by bug
making chrome crash due to out of memory…
can you please update the chrome to version 84.0.4147.89 and above… thx

The browser variants have already been updated to Google Chrome v85:

docker run -it circleci/openjdk:8-jdk-browsers google-chrome --version

Google Chrome 85.0.4183.83