I’m using the image circleci/openjdk:8-jdk-browsers in my build, and since the release of karma-chrome-launcher 3.1.0, the build fails because it can’t start Chrome anymore.
The last update of the image was made 6 months ago. Shouldn’t this image be updated much more frequently, to have up-to-date versions of the evergreen browsers in the image?
Anyway, even if the upstream 8-jdk are not built, I would expect the 8-jdk-browsers to still be updated on a regular basis: new browser versions come out even if the JDK 8 doesn’t evolve anymore, and the point of the -browsers images is to have up-to-date browsers, isn’t it?
We build whatever software/images are supported from upstream. If OpenJDK v8 were to go unsupported from upstream, then all of the related images will no longer be built.
That’s currently how CircleCI Convenience Images work. Now, any Docker image can be used so many users end up creating their own focused images if they feel that the convenience images aren’t meeting their standards as the convenience images are meant to be a starting point for users.
So a fix has been implemented and this image (circleci/openjdk:8-jdk-browsers) will be updated at the beginning of October, a.k.a. next week.
The image is available right now in our staging Docker Hub org if you want to use the updated image immediately. That image would be ccistaging/openjdk:8-jdk-browsers.