Waiting for a VM assignment is taking too long

Hi, I’m getting the following message on spin up an environment step. This process usually takes 12s but it’s taking more than 10 minutes and I’m still waiting.

Build-agent version 1.0.88668-5f562201 (2021-10-21T20:55:27+0000)
Creating a dedicated VM with ubuntu-2004:202008-01 image
Waiting for a VM assignment:

This happen in a particular project, cancel the job, and re-run and the problem happened again and again.

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I’m currently seeing a similar issue.

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Hi! We’re experiencing an issue with VMs right now. The team is working on restoring service as quickly as possible, and I recommend checking this twitter thread (https://twitter.com/CircleCIstatus/status/1453463162896797698?s=20) for updates.

Been trying to run a job for 3 hours now and have not picked up a VM assignment. I don’t think the monitoring is working all that well.

Thanks for posting - we realized that the incident status was listed as “monitoring” when it shouldn’t be. We’ve identified the issue and are working on a resolution.