"Setup Project" not persisting follow after success

Here’s the repo and config.yml I’m trying to integrate: OpenQ-API/config.yml at development · OpenQDev/OpenQ-API · GitHub

No matter what I try it won’t seem to pickup new branches or remain Following this project. I push tags (as you can see in config.yml this is needed to trigger workflows), but nothing runs:

Here’s a quick video of the issue: circleci.mov - Google Drive

NOTE: We have deleted the main branch and now only have development staging and production. We’ve also deleted and recreated this repository with the same name. Could this be to blame?

Hi @OBrien,

Sorry to hear you are running into this issue.

Could you try the following steps, and let me know if you are able to setup/follow the project after?

  1. Delete any existing deploy keys on the CircleCI project page: https://app.circleci.com/settings/project/github/OpenQDev/OpenQ-API/ssh
  2. Delete any CircleCI webhooks for the project on your GitHub’s repository settings page: https://github.com/OpenQDev/OpenQ-API/settings/hooks
  3. Delete any CircleCI deploy keys GitHub’s repository settings page: https://github.com/OpenQDev/OpenQ-API/settings/keys
  4. Set up the project on CircleCI

If you are still unable to setup the project, please submit a support ticket at the following link and we can take a closer look:


In the case where you submit a ticket, it would be helpful to have any errors logged out in your browser’s console when attempting to set up the project.

Thank you!

Hi Aaron:

I actually don’t have any deploy keys on the project page or repository. This is a public and open source repo so it doesn’t need them.

I set up the project and it still just shows the main branch:

But I set up the project to this dev branch: GitHub - OpenQDev/OpenQ-API

It seems to have resolved itself…will reopen if that proves not to be the case. Thank you!

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