Workflow not triggered by GitHub push

When I push a change in this repo (also find yml there) the workflow is not triggered anymore. It did once when we initially setup Circle CI. But now it doesn’t work anymore.

We see that Github is firing Webhooks, but Circle CI is never using its Deploy Key to get ne revisions.

I checked the most resources online but couldn’t find anything.

Were you able to see what the webhook response was?

Sometimes resetting a project can resolve these types of issues. Try going to the project settings on CircleCI and pressing STOP BUILDING. Then ensure on GitHub the webhook has also been removed. Then you can add the project back to CircleCI the same way you would for any project.

That will refresh all of the credentials incase there was some kind of conflict there.

That didn’t do anything. Tried many times before. Again the Webhook was used but in CircleCi nothing changed.

Sorry, I forgot to add the response

Request URL: Request method: POST content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Expect: User-Agent: GitHub-Hookshot/4d76ede X-GitHub-Delivery: 440ac8aa-d89e-11e8-8081-60a6455d4f43 X-GitHub-Event: push X-Hub-Signature: sha1=94a3f535ece4fdf7a3a11032b5e401a4ba869ecb

And the body

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“tree_id”: “5efe60cfc6f1b29dd4666fe3ee0e377d30407ba3”,
“distinct”: true,
“message”: “Update”,
“timestamp”: “2018-10-25T23:38:08+02:00”,
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“author”: {
“name”: “Robert Sösemann”,
“email”: "",
“username”: “rsoesemann”
“committer”: {
“name”: “GitHub”,
“email”: "",
“username”: “web-flow”
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“username”: “rsoesemann”
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It’s not working for this repo
Is this because its public? Or because it doesn’t use one of the standard Docker images like node?
I tried other repos and they work fine.

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