I’m having trouble getting my private project to trigger Circle builds. The master branch of my project does not yet have a circle.yml but I have a branch named circle
that contains a valid circle.yml.
I had one build go through once, when I clicked the “Test Service” button on GitHub’s UI, but further pushes with new commits have not resulted in new builds on Circle.
I’m following the project in Circle, and Circle says I’m building the project as well. GitHub says the CircleCI service is active, and I’ve left the Domain field blank. I’ve opened a PR from the circle
branch but it has not triggered a build on Circle, and GitHub does not show any build status from Circle either.
Over the past two years I’ve created probably a dozen GitHub repositories and added Circle integrations without trouble, but this project over the past two days has been impossible to get working. I’m at a total loss of what I could look at next or what I could try differently.
Is there a way to see whether Circle has received test payloads from GitHub? Is there any established troubleshooting guide for when your Circle builds aren’t being triggered by GitHub?