There are several issues on the GitHub repository which are breaking upgrades to newer Elixir versions, and there doesn’t seem to be much response.
The docs list the ‘cimg/elixir’ image as an ‘officially supported’ image, but it does not look that way.
Can someone please clarify if support is abandoned for this image? If so, can the docs be updated to reflect this?
I responded to this issue myself: CircleCI-Public/cimg-elixir/issues/156
My colleague made a PR (which also didn’t get any response): CircleCI-Public/cimg-elixir/pull/160
Other relevant issue: CircleCI-Public/cimg-elixir/issues/158
(I can’t post links apparently? What’s that all about?)
I tried to create a support ticket via our organization for this, but this is difficult to find for some reason, I could only find a ticket site where I have to create a separate account to log in (so not through our organization account)