I’m trying to update to the newer generation of Circle CI images as I noticed the last generation are being deprecated at the end of this year. I have swapped out my image from the ubuntu image below to the openjdk image below it.
- image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01
+ image: cimg/openjdk:17.0.1
This gives me the following error.
Build-agent version 1.0.95844-7b5943cb (2021-12-13T14:56:19+0000)
Creating a dedicated VM with cimg/openjdk:17.0.1 image
failed to create host: Image cimg/openjdk:17.0.1 is not supported
As far as I’m aware, this is a valid image as it’s listed, and used in examples on this page cimg/openjdk - CircleCI
I’ve tried varying Google searches and searching this forum to no avail. I’m newish to CircleCi so I’m sure there is there something simple I’m not aware of here?