Free plan build minutes limit on CircleCI

The free Linux plan on CircleCI has 1,500 minutes of build time available per month:

We have recently started enforcing the limit. This is the reason you may see:

Your build was not run - reason code (:org-over-credit-limit)

All customers who are affected by this should have received an email in preparation for the change.

Your monthly cycle is based on the date your org was created on CircleCI (not necessarily 1st of the month).

You can upgrade to a paid plan to remove the build minutes limitation.
If you’re building an Open Source project on MacOS you can contact us to request your project be covered by our Open Source plan which will remove the minutes limitation. OSS projects built on Linux do not count towards your usage limit.

The limit is to prevent abuse of the platform so we can provide the best service for everyone.

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in complete transparency - we’ve had this limit for at least a year and have only sparingly enforced it on top abusers manually.

The reason we’re trying more systematic enforcement is that we are experimenting with giving all users more features (e.g., bigger machines but limited on usage) and accordingly, we need to prove whether we can actually systematically prevent abuse of the system. We need to balance our desire to get everyone on great CI with what AWS makes us pay them for all the compute… :slight_smile:


I’m happy that open source projects don’t have this limitation, I think it’s reasonable to start enforcing it on private repositories though.

Looking forward to the (possible) larger machine changes, though (and forked PR’s on 2.0 Workflows). Keep up the good work!