Adding Project from A Private Fork

I recently was added to a private repo on a personal account on GitHub. I have forked this repo to do my work and I would like to create a CI instance using CircleCI to do that. However, when I try to add this new project from the CircleCI interface, the project is not listed.

I have tried refreshing my repositories and the repo never shows up.

Is the repo not showing up because I’m running off of a private fork? How can I get this to work? Is this supported?



Have you checked the “Show forks” checkbox? Is the fork now a private repo under your username?

Yes, that is enabled. I just looked and it looks like this repo was moved from a private user repo to an organization. I think they need to enable CircleCI on the org. I’ll talk to the admin about it.

Ah okay. Let us know. They’d need to do that and you’d need to be a member with write access to see it.