SSH deploy with an SSH tunnel

Hi there,

Hope you’re all great. Having made and working a product like CircleCI should make you feel awesome!

My question: we use a SSH tunnel like this
ssh -t < user >@< ip > -p < a-port > ssh < host > -p< other-port >

How can we set up a SSH deploy with a custom deploy script with such a SSH connection? Is that possible?


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Hey man, was you able to figure it out ? i found the SSH Permission and tried in different ways and its not working for me

Hey @fadiabdeen
Not really, I didn’t. Gave up after a while and built up another solution.

I’m basically generating a new private/public keys, i put the private in the SSH Permissions section and the public in the authorized_keys in the server . but still popping for a password and timeout . I hope someone have figure out the problem can help , i don’t want to implement a workaround if this can work. , hopefully someone is able to help

Has anyone figured this out? I’m trying to do something similar, SSH in to another server a execute a git pull but I have endless issues with my keys. I’ve tried using the ssh config, using the straight key files, everything and it always asks for my password.