I am using the macos executor on the free plan for an open source project. Since x86 is about to be removed I am using m1.medium. I am using xcode 15.3.0. The product page says m1.medium should be available as part of the free plan starting last month, May 2024. I have enough credits. Why is it not available? Has the availability date been pushed back? Does the CircleCI account type matter?
I couldn’t build yesterday because of the brownout. I also tried to upgrade but had the exact same issue.
In the spirit of being proactive and a good citizen, I gave this a whirl, but I had the same sad results as you. I tried various versions of xcode
, thinking maybe I hadn’t hit on a supported combo. Each attempt gave the same result.
If I look at the first link you shared, the word FREE is not beside M1 Medium yet.
But when I hover over Medium Gen2 exclamation point icon I see:
Unavailable after Jun. 28, 2024. Customers on the Free plan will get access to M1 Medium before the EOL date.
So, it is all a bit confusing, yes. I don’t know, if we just retry on June 29, 2024, it probably will just all work?
Well, it is June 29th, and things seem to be now working!
My macOS jobs are queuing, only running one at a time, and taking a long, long time to save cache, but at least they are running on M1 hardware on the free tier!
tak to jsou dobré zprávy, ono to bude fungovat. Momentálně pracuji na odstraňovánívproblémů v celosvětovém Ekosystému s různými možnými i pro mě nepoxhopitelnými problémi. Ještě navíc se mi GitHub rozhodl zase stěžovat práci. Označil účet Administrátora za spam? A ostatní, co mi zahlcují, nesmyslně tlačí a zavítají pobočky pomocné, tomu také moc nepřidají. Dnes se pracovalo super na jiné platformě
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Od: Lee Read via CircleCI Discuss notifications@circleci.discoursemail.com
Komu: buda-lukas@seznam.cz
Předmět: [CircleCI Discuss] [Build Environment] Resource class macos for
macos.m1.medium.gen1, image xcode:15.3.0 is not available for your project
I’m also seeing only 1 job of the macos.m1.medium.gen1 resource class running at time and the rest are waiting. Linux jobs are running concurrently.
Is that really the limit for that resource class?