Trying to setup a private orb but getting the error as soon as entering the desired orb name under the workspace mactest
How to overcome this issue to have successful orb init…
➜ sample-orb git:(main) ✗ circleci orb init /Users/mac/sample-orb --private
Note: This command is in preview. Please report any bugs!
? Would you like to perform an automated setup of this orb? Yes, walk me through the process.
Downloading Orb Project Template into /Users/mac/sample-orb
A few questions to get you up and running.
? Are you using GitHub or Bitbucket? GitHub
? Enter your github username or organization testing
? Enter the namespace to use for this orb mactest
Saving namespace mactest as default
? Orb name sample-orb
Error: please provide options to select from
➜ sample-orb git:(main) ✗