I’m trying to author an orb for the first time. I’m following one of the tutorials given on the circleci site.
Before I ran the command, I (1) created a namespace “revenova” (2) created a github repo Revenova/sfOrgBuilder-orb (Revenova is our org name).
Below is the command with inputs, outputs and errors. Can anyone give me a hint on what is missing:
$ circleci orb init sfOrgBuilder-orb --private
Note: This command is in preview. Please report any bugs! https://github.com/CircleCI-Public/circleci-cli/issues/new/choose
? Would you like to perform an automated setup of this orb? Yes, walk me through the process.
Downloading Orb Project Template into sfOrgBuilder-orb
A few questions to get you up and running.
? Are you using GitHub or Bitbucket? GitHub
? Enter your github username or organization Revenova
? Enter the namespace to use for this orb revenova
Saving namespace revenova as default
? Orb name sfOrgBuilder-orb
? What categories will this orb belong to?
? Automatically set up a publishing context for your orb? Yes, set up a publishing context with my API key.
context already exists, continuing on
? Would you like to set up your git project? Yes
? Enter your primary git branch. main
? Enter the remote git repository https://github.com/Revenova/sfOrgBuilder-orb.git
Thank you! Setting up your orb…
Error: author field is required