Hacktoberfest is a month-long contest beginning October 1, run by DigitalOcean, DEV, and Intel. Whether you’re new to development or a long-time contributor, anyone can participate and help grow the open source community. This is CircleCI’s second year participating, and we’re excited to get more people involved in open source and give away some very cool prizes.
Challenge 1 is to take a project that is currently using CircleCI and adapt it to use one our orbs. For example, if it was a Node.js project with a CircleCI config.yml, you would replace the Node.js setup in the config with the Node.js orb using the instructions in the orb registry.
Suppose I have my project in Java which is a small 2D game. If I create a CircleCI config into the master branch, then on a new branch update it to use an orb - then create a PR with the label ortoberfest to migrate from a custom workflow to an orb, does this count as a valid PR?
It seems that the form for submitting challenges is slightly different than the text on main page.
For challenge 1 the form speaks of contributions to “CircleCI repositories”. Are these CircleCI repository contributions still valid and what exactly are these repositories? Are they under a specific organization?
Challenge 2 also differs slightly, but its sentiment is pretty much the same in both.
So adding CircleCI to a repo itself does not qualify for Hacktoberfest. However, adding an orb to the config (and the subsequent PR to merge it) would qualify in principle, but is generally frowned as that would be making “open source” improvements to your own repo.
I’ve submitted my orb as I am just learning to code I was wondering if there will be updates of the status
of the challenge, and I’ll be updating my orb during this time as well added more.
thanks for the challenge I’m learning quite a bit.
How can I check if my submission to Challenge 2 is valid. I used a form about 2 weeks ago but I didn’t even received any email that it is under investigation. Should I be just more patient?
Anyway thank you for the opportunity to take part in this event and learn something new.
I submitted an orb this Orbtoberfest, a few days ago, and I was wondering about the status of the submission. I understand that it must be taking a lot of time checking all these orbs out. An email would have been really good tho.
Ps.Will we get an email even if the orbs are not selected? I dont know how long to wait