Is Jira integration currently supported?

Is Jira integration actually supported currently? There is a section for it on the website and an entry for it in the [Atlassian plugin repository] ( however all links lead round in circles, with no explanation as to how to actually install this plugin.

Could anyone advise as to how to set this up? I am using Jira cloud, and Circle CI free plan.



We have exactly the same problem.
When we check the page on which we should be able to install the plugin in JIRA, the install button is missing.

Other plugins work fine however.

Yup, same here! What’s going on with the Jira integration?

Thank you so much for your patience.

We have rolled out JIRA integration for all our users. You can find it under your project settings: or bb)/(your-org-name)/(your-project-name)/edit#jira-integration

Please reach out if you have any questions.