How should I change the user avatar and the avatar icon in a pipeline?

Is there a way to change the user icon under BRANCH / COMMIT in the screenshot?

Besides, is there a way to change my CircleCI user profile avatar?

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There is no way to change the size of the Avatar. Please change the image in your GitHub/BitBucket account, and it will reflect on the build page.

Pawan Bahuguna

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Hi Pawan,

Thanks for your reply, and sorry my original post wasn’t clear enough. I didn’t mean to change the size of the avatar.

I had my CircleCI acccount connected to my Bitbucket account. In the past, I didn’t set any Bitbucket avatar.

And the day before yesterday, I set up my Bitbucket avatar with a new image, but the commiter avatar on CircleCI wasn’t updated (still displayed the default empty avatar like in the screenshot).

Is it heavily cached or I need to change something else to update it?


I will advise you to clear the cache and then check. Please also check in the incognito mode of the browser. We get all the data from the VCS provider, so once also try to refresh the user permissions.

Do let me know how it goes.

Pawan Bahuguna

Hi Pawan,

Thanks for your reply. I tried cleaning cache and refreshing user permission, but it didn’t work.

Then I revoke the CircleCI access token on Bitbucket, and wanted to try to sign in to CircleCI and connect it with Bitbucket again. The sign in and connection to Bitbucket succeeded, but now I couldn’t see my organization and projects in CircleCI like before. Any advice?

Best Regards,

Could you please provide me the screenshot of what you are seeing? Also, you are having the issue or other users as well.

I would request you to open a support ticket with all the details so that we can discuss the issue in more detail and escalate the case if required.

Hi Pawan,

Here are the screenshots:

I already sent a service ticket in the morning, but haven’t got any reply yet. It’s just me having this issue because I revoked the CircleCI token in my Bitbucket. I guess it wasn’t refreshed on the CircleCI side so CircleCI didn’t fetch the new token generated by Bitbucket.

Best Regards,

Hi Pawan,

So here is the latest update:

I just tried to refresh user permission in CircleCI again, and now it resolved the organization not found issue.

I’m still not sure why in the morning it didn’t work (I tried the same operation of refreshing user permission at that time, but it didn’t work). I guess maybe it takes time (hours or a day) for CircleCI to clean the cache and refresh the connection with Bitbucket.

But anyway, now my Bitbucket and CircleCI are connected again. But the intial commit author avatar issue was still not resolved. I already had my avatar set in Bitbucket and commit messages, but on CircleCI I still saw the default avatar.

Best Regards,

I could still saw that when CircleCI is querying pipeline, it got avatar_url: null, which might be the cause. But I’m not sure from where CircleCI is fetching this data.

Looks like it’s trying to use CircleCI API v2:, but I’m not sure how the pipeline API v2 get the actor attribute from Bitbucket internally inside CircleCI.

    "next_page_token" : "<token>",
    "items" : [ {
      "id" : "98ce9b0f-0435-465c-aca1-ee7831d747e0",
      "errors" : [ ],
      "project_slug" : "bb/<project-slug>",
      "updated_at" : "2020-08-20T14:48:27.574Z",
      "number" : 641,
      "state" : "created",
      "created_at" : "2020-08-20T14:48:27.574Z",
      "trigger" : {
        "received_at" : "2020-08-20T14:48:27.539Z",
        "type" : "webhook",
        "actor" : {
          "login" : "<My name set in Bitbucket>",
          "avatar_url" : null
      "vcs" : {
        "origin_repository_url" : "<project-slug>",
        "target_repository_url" : "<project-slug>",
        "revision" : "dc751997841f0deca56e244469fbae51da00c4d0",
        "provider_name" : "Bitbucket",
        "commit" : {
          "body" : "some message",
          "subject" : "some subject"
        "branch" : "some branch"

The avatar_url field is null even I already set an avatar in Bitbucket.

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Thanks for the updated information. Good to know that you can now see your organization. Please provide me the ticket number, so that I can have a look.

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I think I have found the support case. Could you please confirm if 77673 is your case?

Hi Pawan, yes it is my support case. Thanks

Thanks for confirming. I will provide further update on that support ticket.