1. The stack you’re using
I am using dotnet core and webpack
2. The exact error message you are getting
Tag latest not found in repository docker.io/promact/aspnetcore-node. It started yesterday(Friday 23rd June, 2017) after the docker outage in CircleCI 1.0.
promact/aspnetcore-node is a public repository on docker hub.
3. Which troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken
- tried changing tags to dev
- Tried a different repository chintans/asp-node
- tried hosting in a private repository on AWS
All of the above solution gave the same error
Any recent changes either in the codebase or the stack
No changes
What happens when you run the tests locally
I have tried docker pull for the above mentioned image on few other remote servers and they all seems to work.
What is supposed to happen when your build runs
It should fetch the docker image and build my custom image which is then deployed to Amazon ECS