I’m a member of two GitHub organizations with open-source public repositories, and I am observing a strange problem:
- for one organization, https://github.com/SOCI, anonymous users are able to browse CircleCI builds for the org’s repository, https://circleci.com/gh/SOCI/soci
- for another one, https://github.conm/boostorg, anonymous users get HTTP 404 when accessing https://circleci.com/gh/boostorg/gil or https://circleci.com/gh/boostorg/boost - one has to log in to CircleCI to see those builds.
What is the difference that makes CircleCI and how to get rid of the HTTP 404?
I cannot find anything in the CircleCI docs that would explain how to control visibility of the builds.
The project settings in the CircleCI app do not seem to offer anything related either.
Best regards,