Building of iOS application is broken

Few days ago our build process was broken.
We are using Xcode 8.1 (iOS Application). All worked fine and we did not change anything in the build settings.
But we have noticed that the Xcode version has been changed.

The latest successed build has been made with version
Xcode 8.1
Build version 8T61a

The next build was broken with Xcode version:
Xcode 8.1
Build version 8B62

The reason of fail is broken build of library nokogiri on the ‘Run bundler’ step

Here a log output:

Log output

Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native

checking if the C compiler accepts … yes
checking if the C compiler accepts
-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future… no
Building nokogiri using packaged libraries.
Using mini_portile version 2.1.0
checking for iconv.h… yes
checking for gzdopen() in -lz… yes
checking for iconv… yes


Building Nokogiri with a packaged version of libxml2-2.9.4.

Team Nokogiri will keep on doing their best to provide security
updates in a timely manner, but if this is a concern for you and want
to use the system library instead; abort this installation process and
reinstall nokogiri as follows:

gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries

If you are using Bundler, tell it to use the option:

bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries
bundle install

Note, however, that nokogiri is not fully compatible with arbitrary
versions of libxml2 provided by OS/package vendors.

Extracting libxml2-2.9.4.tar.gz into
tmp/x86_64-apple-darwin15/ports/libxml2/2.9.4… OK
Running ‘configure’ for libxml2 2.9.4… OK
Running ‘compile’ for libxml2 2.9.4… OK
Running ‘install’ for libxml2 2.9.4… OK
Activating libxml2 2.9.4 (from


Building Nokogiri with a packaged version of libxslt-1.1.29.

Team Nokogiri will keep on doing their best to provide security
updates in a timely manner, but if this is a concern for you and want
to use the system library instead; abort this installation process and
reinstall nokogiri as follows:

gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries

If you are using Bundler, tell it to use the option:

bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries
bundle install

Extracting libxslt-1.1.29.tar.gz into
tmp/x86_64-apple-darwin15/ports/libxslt/1.1.29… OK
Running ‘configure’ for libxslt 1.1.29… OK
Running ‘compile’ for libxslt 1.1.29… OK
Running ‘install’ for libxslt 1.1.29… OK
Activating libxslt 1.1.29 (from
checking for main() in -llzma… yes
checking for xmlParseDoc() in libxml/parser.h… no
checking for xmlParseDoc() in -lxml2… no
checking for xmlParseDoc() in -llibxml2… no

libxml2 is missing. Please locate mkmf.log to investigate how it is failing.

*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary
libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may
need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:
–without-opt-include={opt-dir}/include --with-opt-lib --without-opt-lib={opt-dir}/lib
–without-zlib-include={zlib-dir}/include --with-zlib-lib --without-zlib-lib={zlib-dir}/lib

Gem files will remain installed in
/Users/distiller/iOSWifiApp/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/nokogiri- for
Results logged to

An error occurred while installing nokogiri (, and Bundler
cannot continue.
Make sure that gem install nokogiri -v '' succeeds before bundling.

We have tried to follow by suggestions in the log but unsuccessfuly.

Help us please to figure out the reason of error and fix buil.

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I observed the same issue, and a retry of the build fixed it for us on our end. We also did not make any changes, but observed the same log output that you are seeing.