Earlier this year, Atlassian announced that it has deprecated a number of Bitbucket API endpoints and response payloads. These include the /2.0/teams and most /2.0/users endpoints. Bitbucket users are being asked to migrate to the new /2.0/workspaces endpoints as soon as possible. The deprecated functionality will be removed on October 14th, 2020.
Bitbucket is making this change to allow org administrators, using multiple Atlassian cloud products, to enforce access to their content across their many product entities. As Bitbucket begins to transition to the new domain model, CircleCI is hard at work to ensure an uninterrupted CI/CD experience when testing your applications.
In response to Bitbucket’s deprecation, we will release an update to CircleCI this week to complete migration to the new endpoints. This is necessary to maintain a smooth experience for you and your team. The update will maintain existing user permissions for your organization, including:
- Permissions for users who only have repo access
- Visibility of the Organization Settings and Plan pages will remain restricted to users with “create repositories” or “administer workspace” permissions
No changes on your end should be necessary for existing teams/workspaces to continue to function as organizations within CircleCI.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Bitbucket’s Teams & Users API deprecation, please feel free to post them here or reach out to support.