Yarn missing from latest node 8 images?

My builds started failing for not having yarn available today

I added yarn to my Gemfile

Now it times out while trying to run bundle exec yarn install

Install JS dependencies10:00 (timed out)
#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
bundle exec yarn install
Too long with no output (exceeded 10m0s)

My image is circleci/ruby:latest-node

Yeah, I’m hitting this too with circleci/ruby:2.4.3-node-browsers and opened support ticket 31357 (no response yet).

/usr/local/bin/yarn is missing in the new image altogether, though yarn is under /opt/yarn-v1.5.1. Also /opt/yarn looks like was meant to be a symlink to /opt/yarn-v1.5.1 but is instead a dir containing a symlink.

Working image is circleci/ruby@sha256:970f014a06e9cf3bc1e3d5056ffde08da7467ac02e1ad86a47c32d78602ad6ed, and circleci/ruby@sha256:91348b8cd36263872b9c546ea568329bebcc1ba65fef06bee568fcb1aaba7322 is the new failing one (for 2.4.3-node-browsers).

I had a quick response from Kyle on support, who pointed to an issue with the upstream NodeJS images that’s being fixed:

Anyone know if this is / will be fixed for ruby:node-latest ? It still doesnt work for me

There’s a workaround which seems to work for me.

See https://github.com/nodejs/docker-node/pull/650