xcode build shows swift 2 error like “boolean condition requires ‘where’ to separate it from variable binding”.
I am using swift 4 and have mentioned xcode version as “9.0”.
Please find the config file in the above post 1.
Apologies, I replied initially with a grumpy message, having thought you’d not followed my posting suggestions again. Thank you for repairing the formatting - got there eventually!
It seems your core issue is the error message you have now referred to - have you searched for that on the web? It strikes me as something that would be on Stack Overflow.
As I mentioned earlier, this is swift 2 error shown in old version of xcode. As I am using swift 4 and mentioning to use latest version of xcode, this error is not expected. So I feel building is done in older version of xcode inspite of mentioning version as xcode 9.
I also connected to the container with ssh, the xCode versions installed are going only to 8.3.
I also checked that ls -la .circleci/config.yml is showing me my config.yml file.
Does anyone have an idea of what the problem could be?