Xcode 7.1.1 is now available for all iOS builds. You can select it by specifying the following in your circle.yml:
version: "7.1"
Note: only specify “7.1” in circle.yml as we will continue to update the 7.1 install with any bugfix releases.
In addition, Fastlane and Carthage are now installed by default. xctool and Cocoapods have been updated to the latest version.
With this update we have removed support for Xcode 6.3.1, so any builds specifying 6.3.1 as the Xcode version in circle.yml will need to upgrade to a newer version. The new default for iOS builds will be Xcode 6.4.
Xcode 6.4 has an open issue in multi-Xcode installs relating to simulator startup. If you see any problems, you can find a workaround for that [right here] (Xcode 6.4 fails to start the simulator).
These are the versions of software installed in the new iOS build image:
- OS X 10.10.3 (14D136) Darwin 14.3.0
- Xcode:
- 6.4 Build version 6E35b
- 7.0 Build version 7A218
- 7.1.1 Build version 7B1005
- xctool 0.2.7
- CocoaPods 0.39.0
- xcpretty 0.1.12
- fastlane 1.39.0
- carthage 0.10.0