Xcode 13.3.1 Released

The Xcode 13.3.1 image has just been released and can be selected as follows:

    xcode: 13.3.1

This image is available on both VM and Metal resource classes

This image also replaces 13.3.0 as per our image policy. Requests to 13.3.0 will be automatically routed to 13.3.1

Python 2 Support

Apple has removed Python 2 from macOS moving forward. Python 2 has been EOL for several years now, so we do recommend upgrading any scripts to Python 3.

If you do require Python 2, then it can be installed with the official installer package, which will install into /usr/local/bin/ and can be called with the python command

- run: curl -O https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.18/python-2.7.18-macosx10.9.pkg
- run: sudo installer -pkg python-2.7.18-macosx10.9.pkg -target /

VM Image Info

Xcode 13.3.1 Build version 13E500a is installed at /Applications/Xcode-13.3.1.app

The full manifest of installed software can be found here

Metal Image Info

Xcode 13.3.1 Build version 13E500a is installed at /Applications/Xcode-13.3.1.app

The full manifest of installed software can be found here

@bytesguy can you please verify that this is really happening? We’re getting a build error saying
Cannot find an installed Xcode satisfying '13.3.0'.


// Edit: this is a fastlane error, but still, this broke our pipeline and requires changing the specified Xcode version.

@michalsrutek Is this an error in the spin up environment step, or an error in your build?

We always only support the latest patch version of each minor version: CircleCI Xcode Image Release, Update and Deprecation Policy - CircleCI

With this in mind, it is not wise to pin the exact patch version in any of your build commands. Depending on the command, you should ideally only specify up to the minor version, e.g., 13.3 rather than 13.3.0.

Additional info: https://support.circleci.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052260151-Resolving-Path-Applications-Xcode-X-X-app-doesn-t-exist-errors