Xcode 11.7 Released

The Xcode 11.7 image has just been released and can be selected as follows:

    xcode: 11.7.0

Ruby Changes

As a result of the System Ruby (2.6.3) becoming increasingly incompatible with various gems (especially those which require native extensions) due to the way it is secured and recent changes to clang, we have decided to switch the default Ruby to 2.7 via chruby.

This should allow greater compatibility out of the box with gems moving forward. For the vast majority of users this switch will be transparent as common gems, such as Fastlane, run without issues on 2.7.

We still provide Ruby 2.5 and 2.6 which you can switch to and the System Ruby can still be switched to via chruby by adding the following to the start of your job:

-run: echo 'chruby system' >> ~/.bash_profile

Image Info

Xcode 11.7 Build version 11E801a is installed at /Applications/Xcode-11.7.app

The following runtimes are installed:

  • iOS 12.4
  • iOS 13.7
  • tvOS 12.4
  • tvOS 13.4
  • watchOS 5.3
  • watchOS 6.2

The full manifest of installed software can be found here.