I have just have released the Xcode 11.3 image. It’s currently distributing to our hosts, but you can start to build on it now. You can select the image by adding the following to a job in config.yml :
xcode: 11.3.0
The changes from the 11.2.1 are as follows:
- macOS updated to 10.15.1 (from 10.15)
- Xcode is version 11.3 (GM, build 11C29)
Xcode is installed at /Applications/Xcode-11.3.app
Smaller changes:
- NodeJS updated from 12.12.0 to 13.3.0
- Yarn updated from 1.19.1 to 1.21.1
- Fastlane updated 2.135.0 to 2.137.0
- git updated from 2.24.0 to 2.24.1
The full manifest of the installed software and SDKs is available here.