Xcode 11.3.0 image not available?

I haven’t been able to use the Xcode 11.3.0 images. Anyone else seeing this?

Build-agent version 1.0.22073-f42bda98 (2019-12-10T12:59:15+0000)
Creating a dedicated VM with xcode:11.3.0 image
failed to create host: Image xcode:11.3.0 is not supported

@bpollman I am seeing the same issue

Build-agent version 1.0.22204-ad5953b4 (2019-12-11T10:53:00+0000)
Creating a dedicated VM with xcode:11.3.0 image
failed to create host: Image xcode:11.3.0 is not supported

I am also seeimg the same issue. I can only select Xcode 11.2.1

It should be supported according to: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/testing-ios/#supported-xcode-versions

and this post: https://discuss.circleci.com/t/xcode-11-2-1-released-11-3-soon-11-2-0-removed

@marc: Any ideas?

Yeah, cant build with the “xcode: 11.3.0” image either.

Build-agent version 1.0.22313-6fbbd381 (2019-12-12T12:06:11+0000)
Creating a dedicated VM with xcode:11.3.0 image
failed to create host: Image xcode:11.3.0 is not supported

+1 seeing the same issue.

Build-agent version 1.0.22460-ab8bef57 (2019-12-13T16:06:43+0000)
Creating a dedicated VM with xcode:11.3.0 image
failed to create host: Image xcode:11.3.0 is not supported

I’m not sure what the problem with the beta image was, sorry about that. The GM has just been published now though: Xcode 11.3 Image Released

Let me know if you seen any issues with it please.



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