Unable to view contexts in UI


Currently the contexts section in my org is telling me I need owner permissions, which I already have. I found a similar report that stated it was a known bug and to “reach out to the team” but with no methods to reach out :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My organisation is ConnectedVentures.


Hi @domudall Thank you for reporting this. This is due to team admin privileges and is something that we are currently investigating. I’ve added ConnectedVentures as one impacted by this issue in our internal tracker.

For the interim, only an organization owner/admin can update these settings. Thanks for your patience while we work on resolving this.

In the future, you can reach out to Support via the support center. :slight_smile:

I am running into this issue too. I am the owner and main admin of our organization and I was able to edit the contexts within the CircleCI UI with no problems until I checked again today.

I have not made any changes to my role/rights to my Github or CircleCI accounts. I have verified that I am still the owner of my repositories and made sure all the correct permissions are set.

Both GitHub AND CircleCI state that I have admin rights to the organization, but still despite being the owner & admin, I am seeing a " To view/edit this page, you must be an organization member with push permissions on GitHub."

This is literally blocking me from pushing to production. My organization is: hipherd


A fix that should resolve the issue has been rolled out. Thank you for your patience!

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I now see the fix, thanks for the update @stella!

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