Unable to create SSH tunnel from CircleCI job

Hi team,

I am trying to setup an SSH tunnel back into our infrastructure from CircleCI. I am using a third-party orb to achieve this. (lansweeper/ssh@0.0.3) More details here: CircleCI Developer Hub - lansweeper/ssh.

I have enabled the CircleCi IpRanges feature in my job and whitelisted the Ip’s from our bastion host. I have been facing issues starting the ssh tunnel. I get the following errors

bind [::1]:6573: Cannot assign requested address
CircleCI received exit code 0

Even though port 6573 is a non-standard port. I have been using non-privileged/non-standard ports (>= 1024) in my config but same issue persists.

I have been facing these issues for quite a time now and need your help.

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I was able to make it work by pointing to IPV4 Address. It was by default trying to BIND on IPV6 Address. You can enable IPV4 with 2 ways on ssh tunnel command.

First way


Second way

Use SSH option, AddressFamily=inet

Sample Job configuration

    # circleci_ip_ranges feature is available for users on Performance/Scale plans only
    circleci_ip_ranges: true
      - image: 'cimg/base:2022.03'
      - checkout
      - ssh/tunnel:
          local_port: $LOCAL_PORT
          target_host: $TARGET_HOST
          target_port: $TARGET_PORT
          bastion_user: $BASTION_SSH_USER
          bastion_host: $BASTION_SSH_HOST
          options: 'ConnectTimeout=10,Port=9922,StrictHostKeyChecking=no,AddressFamily=inet'
      - run: 'curl localhost:6573'
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