I want to ssh to my bastion host and run some commands. How I can ssh to bastion using circle ci?
Hi @RohitEverestek! Welcome to the CircleCI Community!
You can utilize the add SSH key step along with creating an SSH key.
You could then SSH in to your bastion host, and run any commands that you want!
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Below is the command I use within my own scripts, as I use self hosted runners it was coded without using the circleci key store, but it does show how simple the process is
type: string
type: string
- run:
name: Reload container on target system
command: |
echo "$SECURITY_SSH_CIRCLECI_KEY" > private_key
chmod 600 private_key
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i private_key -p <<parameters.ssh_port>> -o ConnectTimeout=10 circleci@<<parameters.target_system>> reload-backend
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i private_key -p <<parameters.ssh_port>> -o ConnectTimeout=10 circleci@<<parameters.target_system>> display-system-stats
rm private_key
The target is configured so that a known script is run when the ssh session is opened. This script is then passed the parameter “reload-backend” or “display-system-stats” and then executes the task - this is a way to provide a higher level of security on the target, instead of just providing access to a full shell.