I am facing one problem that once I tried to test all browser test cases with sauce-lab on circle CI v2.
- image: circleci/node:8
working_directory: ~/repo
- checkout
- run:
name: Start SauceLabs Tunnel (required if testing on CircleCI container)
command: |
curl https://saucelabs.com/downloads/sc-4.4.12-linux.tar.gz -o saucelabs.tar.gz
tar -xzf saucelabs.tar.gz
- run:
name: Setup 1
command: |
cd sc-*-linux && ./bin/sc -u navjot.g -k somekey --readyfile ~/sauce_is_ready
- run:
name: Setup 2
command: |
"while ! lsof -i:4445 -t; do sleep 3; done"
- run:
name: RUN yarn run browser-test
command: yarn run browser-test
but and in circle CI, its successfully run the “SETUP-1” and show the message “Sauce Connect is up, you may start your tests.”
but nothing will happen after that and it will not execute the next step.