Whenever I’m using Fastlane match, I’m getting the error - ‘Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect.’ I tried to update ruby etc., nothing help.
Error log:
fastlane finished with errors
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: SSL errors can be caused by various components on your local machine.
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: Apple has recently changed their servers to require TLS 1.2, which may
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: not be available to your system installed Ruby (2.0.0)
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: The best solution is to use the self-contained fastlane version.
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: Which ships with a bundled OpenSSL,ruby and all gems - so you don’t depend on system libraries
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: - Use Homebrew
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: - update brew with brew update
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: - install fastlane using:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: - brew cask install fastlane
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: - Use One-Click-Installer:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: - download fastlane at https://download.fastlane.tools
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: - extract the archive and double click the install
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: -----------------------------------------------------------
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: for more details on ways to install fastlane please refer the documentation:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: -----------------------------------------------------------
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.07]: https://docs.fastlane.tools
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: -----------------------------------------------------------
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: You can also install a new version of Ruby
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: - Make sure OpenSSL is installed with Homebrew: brew update && brew upgrade openssl
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: - If you use system Ruby:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: - Run brew update && brew install ruby
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: - If you use rbenv with ruby-build:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: - Run brew update && brew upgrade ruby-build && rbenv install 2.3.1
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: - Run rbenv global 2.3.1
to make it the new global default Ruby version
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: - If you use rvm:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: - First run rvm osx-ssl-certs update all
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: - Then run rvm reinstall ruby-2.3.1 --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: If that doesn’t fix your issue, please google for the following error message:
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: ‘Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect’
ERROR [2018-03-17 03:03:03.08]: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
bundler: failed to load command: fastlane (/usr/local/bin/fastlane)
Faraday::ConnectionFailed: [!] Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect