Ssh: command not found

I’m trying to deploy to a python app to an EC2 server by executing a deployment script via ssh like so:

     branch: master
       - source ./ && \
         /usr/bin/ssh -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_production ubuntu@$SSH_HOST "/var/www/mls_api/"

But the ssh command doesn’t seem to be installed. I get this error:

bash: line 1: ssh: command not found

At first I thought this might be an issue related to virtualenv, but using /usr/bin/ssh returns the same error. Is deploying this way possible?

Edit: The culprit turned out to be the \ after the &&. Apparently, CircleCI doesn’t share that convention with bash.

The culprit turned out to be the \ after the &&. Apparently, CircleCI doesn’t share that convention with bash.

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It’s the way YAML parses strings. More information on the various ways to do multiline strings in YAML can be found here:

Another option would be a single deploy script.


Gotcha, thanks @FelicianoTech!

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