Source and dependency cache does not get restored


It seems that from sometime last week my builds stopped restoring both source cache and dependency cache. The last build that was working correctly was from about seven days ago. I used to see rows “restore source cache” / “restore cache” that could be expanded to reveal the logs like this:

restoring cache v5/os:linux-trusty/wrisk/oauth2-server/source/master/51/_6dnMenx1sfNzXLe7nYHow__.tar.gz
restoring home/ubuntu/oauth2-server/.git

restoring cache v5/os:linux-trusty/wrisk/oauth2-server/dependency/master/51/sUBScwSgU5bOOBXMykqmjg__.tar.gz
restoring home/ubuntu/.m2, home/ubuntu/.go_workspace, home/ubuntu/.gradle, home/ubuntu/oauth2-server/node_modules

However in recent builds this row is not expandable anymore and it seems that dependency cache does not seem to work as all dependencies are downloaded again.

I am still getting logs at the save cache stage:

Creating dependency cache from the following paths:
✗ /home/ubuntu/.bundle
✗ /home/ubuntu/.cache/bower
✓ /home/ubuntu/.go_workspace
✓ /home/ubuntu/.gradle
✗ /home/ubuntu/.ivy2
✓ /home/ubuntu/.m2
✓ /home/ubuntu/oauth2-server/node_modules
✗ /home/ubuntu/oauth2-server/vendor/bundle
✗ /home/ubuntu/virtualenvs
Creating source cache from the following paths:
✓ /home/ubuntu/oauth2-server/.git

What could be going wrong?



It seems the cache may have gotten corrupted. Have you tried building without cache to see if that resets it?

I have just done the build without cache, now the cache in subsequent builds seem to be working. Thanks for your help!

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