Ruby:2.3.8-node-browsers (need Node 8)

Hi there!

I’m trying to get an app running on Circle that needs Ruby 2.3.8 and Node 8. However, it seems that the 2.3.8-node variant images are now using Node 10, as of a couple of months ago.

I am struggling to find a SHA for pointing at an older image that has Node 8. Can someone point me in the right direction?


What I would do is to find a small plain image (e.g. Alpine) and then consider the problem of getting the right versions of Ruby/Node as if it were a local problem. Where do you source them for your dev machines?

That’s a great idea that I hadn’t considered. I may try that if needed, soon. However, in the meantime I’ve discovered that by updating an npm module dependency, I can eliminate the installation error that was preventing Node 10 from working properly. So I may try that for now instead.


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