Retry from failed option not available for jobs with unapproved hold stage

I have a workflow that I have moved hold jobs to the beginning to be able to approve them right away.

This is much faster, but it came at a cost, now If a job failed while there are other unapproved hold jobs, I cannot retry it from CircleCI since the “Retry from failed” option is not enabled.

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Hi @yousefhamza,

The Rerun Workflow From Failed option is indeed only available for workflows that have completed, and resulted in a failure, or that have been canceled.

If the workflow status is anything else than Failed or Canceled, you won’t have access to that functionality for said workflow.

In your case, for the option to become available you’ll need to either:

  • Approve the type: approval jobs so the workflow can complete (and result in a failure)

  • Cancel the workflow

Let me know if you have further questions.

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Canceling the workflow worked, Thanks!

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