The title pretty much says it all. I need to publish an orb as private to an organization, but reading through the orb-tools documentation, I don’t see an option to specify public vs. private in the publish job.
Am I missing something, or is it really only possible to publish a private orb via the CLI?
I’m not sure if you misunderstood my question, or if I’m still just confused. I’m aware of the ability to publish a private orb using the CLI with the --private flag as shown in the link you posted. What I’m trying to figure out is how to accomplish that when using the orb-tool orb’s publish command. It looks like that orb just calls the CLI publish command but doesn’t provide a parameter to specify to pass in the --private flag: orb-tools-orb/ at master · CircleCI-Public/orb-tools-orb · GitHub
The publish command does not need this flag. The orb itself is private, any and all versions from here on out will always be private (and you can not un-private). So the orb-tools orb process is actually 100% the same for private and non-private orbs. The only difference is making sure that when you create the orb originally, it has the private flag.
private is not a flag available on the orb publish command.