(no output) from Cucumber features

All my failing cucumber features say (no output) in the Test summary. I followed the instructions here: https://circleci.com/docs/test-metadata/ and it didn’t make a difference. I have found no other documentation or instructions on how to config CircleCI/Cucumber to output useful info in the Test Summary.

I’m pretty sure it used to give me details about why the feature failed, but maybe not.

Any insight on what I need to do to get some ‘output’ from Cucumber feature failures?


That’s because the output is now going to the junit file instead of the console. I had the same issue with mocha.

Try this line

bundle exec cucumber --format pretty --format junit:$CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/cucumber/junit.xml


bundle exec cucumber --format pretty --format junit: --out $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/cucumber/junit.xml

Let me know if either work and I’ll create a PR for the docs.

Cool thanks!

This one worked:

bundle exec cucumber --format pretty --format junit --out $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/cucumber/junit.xml
(note no “:” after --format junit)

Apparently, I now need to add another line to run my rspec tests…

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Awesome, glad to hear. (I completely didn’t edit line one to make line two, sorry about the colon)

I have this issue (no output) issue but with the tests.cucumber JSON file. Details can be found on this bug report

I have essentially tried what you have suggested but it hasn’t worked :cry:

We had this issue as well. It turned out we weren’t creating names for our features, so the output in the report was blank.

@AJMiller when you say names do you mean the Scenario name? as in Scenario: Create a company below.

  Scenario: Create a company

    When a company is created
    Then I see the success message
    And the company can be found in the search results

@MrMan we actually added both a feature name and a scenario name:

Feature: Company Features
As a company member
I want to do stuff
So that I can profit

Scenario: Create a company

When a company is created
Then I see the success message
And the company can be found in the search results

Oh sorry I didn’t mention we also have feature

Feature: Create a new company
  As an existing user
  I would like to create a new company

  Scenario: Create a company

    When a company is created
    Then I see the success message
    And the company can be found in the search results

but still get the (no output) mentioned (no output) for $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/cucumber/tests.cucumber JSON file