More control over deployment process


I’m building a CI/CD for my project which is a NodeJS app powered by Serverless APIs.
I have multiple environments (development / staging / production) and use a Gitflow branching model:

  • feat/*: apps / apis builded and tested
  • dev: apps / apis builded, tested and deployed onto the development environment
  • release/*|hotfix/*: apps / apis builded, tested and deployed onto the staging environment
  • master: apps / apis builded, tested and deployed onto the production environment

It works fine with CircleCI but I want more control over the deployment process, especially for staging / production.
I want to be able to chose which app / API is deployed.

I don’t like the manual approval feature for this use case because you have to wait in front of jobs to deploy and it hold others jobs.
I wanted to use commit messages to trigger specific jobs (e.g. if $CIRCLE_COMMIT_MSG === deploy(website); then...) but it seems not available :frowning: CF Trigger workflow job based on git commit message

Is there any alternatives to do this?

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