IP ranges Pricing Model

Thanks to all who have been a part of the IP ranges open preview. Below is an update on the finalized pricing model for the IP ranges feature:

The IP ranges preview is ending on January 27, 2022; and as of January 28, 2022; it will become generally available as an optional paid feature.

Our Plans work without IP ranges, but if you’d like to continue to use the feature, the pricing model is as follows: starting on January 28, 2022, this feature will consume 450 credits from your account for each GB of data used for jobs with IP ranges enabled. Unless you explicitly turn off the feature in your config file, it will start incurring a cost through deduction of Credits from your Credit Purchase.

To view data usage from IP ranges, access the IP ranges tab within the Plan Usage page in the CircleCI UI. View more details on the feature on the docs page.

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