CircleCI recently has been working to enhance the IP ranges feature. As part of making an update to the infrastructure that powers the feature, we made a change that inadvertently added new IPs. This change also removed a handful of IPs that we publish to users. We immediately updated the static list of IPs on our docs page and the DNS records have also changed to reflect these new IPs. If you were relying on the static list from the docs page, please update to the new list. Consumers of the DNS A record should not need to take any action.
I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. We will make sure to provide a 30 day notice before the next time a change like this occurs.
As part of the enhancement to the feature and after listening to feedback provided from customers using IP ranges, we made it a priority to allow Docker image pulls to go through the set of well-defined IPs. No additional changes needed from your end. This update enables you to use your private Docker registries with the IP ranges feature and only open up traffic to those registries to IPs associated with CircleCI.
We are excited to bring this capability to you and your team. If you have any questions regarding the list of IP’s changing or this new capability please feel free to comment below or open a support ticket.