iOS Beta distribution of few builds

Can not choose correct solution for my problem and asking here. May be you guys will give me something that will work.

Ok, here is my problem: I need to deploy few different iOS builds to testers at once. All builds are based on the same code. One difference is that before every distribution I should launch a script that configure xcode project.

Right now I can send one build with a tagged commit. If I add tag “qa.0.0.1” to any commit CirlceCI will configure it and distribute to Fabric. I need something similar but more specific. I.e. if I add “” it will distribute code configured as “build”. And if another tag added “qa.other_build.0.0.1” it will distribute build configured as “other_build”.

Is there a way to make different “beta_distribution” sections inside circle.yml based on different tags? May be there is a way to have few circle.yml files?

Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!