I’ve added a shared context to our CircleCI account, added that to a specific build workflow, checked that it is NOT restricted and that it was done using a github user with full org admin access. However, when the pipeline is triggered by a git push, the initial run fails with an ''Unauthorized" message. If I hop into the CircleCI UI and initiate a manual “Rerun workflow from start”, the pipeline will run successfully.
We are using the CircleCI Slack orb, which was the original reason a Context was added (for Slack credentials).
As I mentioned, the context is open to “All members”, the integrating Github user is an org admin for the repo/org in github, and I can’t find any other restrictions that would be causing the issue. Any help would be appreciated! For what it is worth, once I manually ‘rerun from start’ the pipeline executes correctly and the context variables are being picked up with no issue.
The config I’m currently testing is:
version: 2.1
slack: circleci/slack@4.3.0
- image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:3.1-bionic
description: Setup and run application tests
working_directory: ~/build
- checkout
- restore_cache:
- dotnet-packages-v1-{{ checksum "projname/someprojname.csproj" }}
- run:
name: "Install .net core dependencies"
command: |
apt-get update
apt-get install apt-transport-https -y
apt-get install systemd -y
- run:
name: "Install Nginx"
command: |
apt update
apt install nginx -y
service nginx start
- run:
name: "Check status of Nginx"
command: service nginx status
- run:
name: "Install project dependencies"
command: dotnet restore
- run:
name: "Forcing a failure for debug"
command: service doesnotexist status
- slack/notify:
branch_pattern: cicd-setup,develop,master
event: fail
template: basic_fail_1
- save_cache:
- /build
key: dotnet-packages-v1-{{ checksum "projname/someprojname.csproj" }}
- run:
name: "Run Application Tests"
command: dotnet test -v n --results-directory:test_coverage --collect:"Code Coverage"
- persist_to_workspace:
root: ~/
- "build"
- test:
context: SLACK