How to match multiple jUnit test directories using store_test_results

Hi there,

I have a Android project with many modules each with their own test suite. All modules export their test reports to the same directory in the parent project.

I want to use store_test_results but point to parentProject/build/testResults instead of each individual directory. Is this possible?

Example structure below:

    - module1
    - module2
    - module3
    - module4
    - module5
    - module6
    - build
      - testResults
        - module1
        - module2
        - module3
        - module4
        - module5
        - module6

You should be able to write test results to each individual directory, so for example you would have the directory path /proj/tests/results set as the path of store_test_results, and subdirectories mocha, jest, and ava underneath those, each with results.xml files written to them – store_test_results will check all subdirectories of the directory specified under path for results files, and show them up separately under the test summary.

Is this what you mean? Some more info here.

Hi Cormac, thanks for the quick reply. That did indeed work not quite sure how I did not see it working previously!

So in my case I have the following:

 - store_test_results:
          path: ~/repo/build/test-results

Also a tip to anyone struggling or unsure about the resulting project structure on the circle CI box you can SSH into it:


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