High Level Improvement Opportunities

High Level Improvement Opportunities

Record High Level Recommendations

High level recommendations are identified opportunities that affect more than one workflow. These opportunities typically exist throughout the organization so recording them separately helps to raise awareness. It is also helpful to include opportunities that affect more than one job as they may exist elsewhere in the organization.

Inside the Config

Features and opportunities that exist inside of a config file.

Outside the Config

Features and opportunities that exist outside of a config file.

:arrow_forward: Next Step: Inside the Config: Config Security

:arrow_backward: Previous Step: Review Each Workflow for Improvement Opportunities

📑 Table of Contents

Self Service Configuration Review Overview

  1. Configuration Review Preparation
  2. Review Each Job for Improvement Opportunities
  3. Review Each Workflow for Improvement Opportunities
  4. High Level Improvement Opportunities
  5. Finalize Review