Help me my account are suspended

Hello, someone could help me with this error message: No .circleci/config.yml was found in your project. Add a configuration file to your repository or refer to documentation.

And to complete :

  • We have detected an anomaly that violates the [CircleCI Terms of Service]
  • We did not test this push because the project has been suspended. Please contact us if you think this is a mistake.

Hi @MamadouLy5! Sometimes this happens by accident due to strict security settings. If you haven’t submitted a Support ticket, please open one so our Support team can help you. If you’ve already opened a ticket, send me the ticket number and I’ll check with support!

Open a support ticket here.

Hello, @thekatertot thank you for your answer. Here is my ticket number: #102652

Hi @MamadouLy5 ,

I have located your ticket, and will be responding shortly. Thank you for your patience while we looked into this.

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@aaronclark , can you check the same issue for me, ticket #128060