I’ve setup a Flutter project and it’s configured as Linux. So, I’m starting to build iOS app then I need to move my project to run at macos …
How can I do it? There’s no option to switch between linux to macos (At least I didn’t find)
I’ve setup a Flutter project and it’s configured as Linux. So, I’m starting to build iOS app then I need to move my project to run at macos …
How can I do it? There’s no option to switch between linux to macos (At least I didn’t find)
Hello @felipeespitalher,
Is your config.yml file configured written with a linux docker executor? Check out our docs page on MacOS and using the MacOS executor: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/hello-world-macos/
version: 2 # use version 2.0 of CircleCI
jobs: # a basic unit of work in a run
build: # runs not using `Workflows` must have a `build` job as entry point
macos: # indicate that we are using the macOS executor
xcode: "10.0.0" # indicate our selected version of Xcode
steps: # a series of commands to run
- checkout # pull down code from your version control system.
- run:
Here are all of the available executor types at the moment: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/executor-types/