I get this error haven't selected a macOS plan yet but I am not trying to select macOS I am trying to use linux to build my application. I am currently on ubuntu 18.04 on my local machine and everything builds just fine with docker. I can even test my code locally with circleci but cannot complete the task of sending to docker hub. As I went to see if possibly the configuration had to be ran on circleci’s server for the code to work I find that none of my code will run because it it requesting me to have a macOS plan.
There was a post saying you could just change your project settings but the link is broken? I try to select settings and it takes me to circleci asking me to login agian. I tried resetting my project to linux all over but still this pops up and my build will not run.
It is a docker container so it should be able to run anywhere that has docker installed. As far as I know it just runs swift on linux. I currently run it on my local machine which is ubuntu.
When I try to run locally this is there error I get
unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: lstat /root/project/Dockerfile: no such file or directory
Error: Exited with code 1
Step failed
Error: runner failed (exited with 101)
Task failed
Error: task failed
It will only run on the same arch as the one that built it, though.
Hmm, fair enough. I wonder in any case whether I’ve introduced a red herring - it depends where the error is. How far into the build does it get before it stops? Is it building in Docker and then having trouble pushing to the Docker registry?
Avoid queues by adding containers, skipping redundant builds (through project settings or configuring your config.yml)
project settings is a link on the “queue” part of the https://circleci.com/gh/marcusjwhelan/swiftDevOpsTester/8 page. As far as changing the url I don’t believe I am. But I also don’t know what you are talking about when you say :org or :repo