Explicitly stating ruby version and getting version error

I’m trying to get my build set up. My dependency overrides state this: rvm use ruby-2.1.5, however when I try to create a build I get the following error:

rake aborted! Sidekiq 3.3.0 does not support Ruby 1.9.

Any insight as to why the ruby 2.1.5 version isn’t sticking around?

Could you please paste the output that shows up under the Set Ruby version step on the build page? Would be great to see if there are any errors there.

RVM is using ruby-1.9.3-p125@community ruby-2.1.5 - #gemset created /home/ubuntu/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5@community ruby-2.1.5 - #generating community wrappers|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-\|/-.|/-\|/-\|.-\|/-. Using /home/ubuntu/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5 with gemset community

Could you please try specifying 2.1.5 as the Ruby version in your circle.yml file instead? It should have the exact same effect as putting the rvm use command in the test section but it will also make sure that all the necessary environment variables (including $PATH) are populated correctly for each command:

    version: "2.1.5"

It doesn’t seem to like that i have a circle.yml file AND configs in the Dependency Commands. When I add that to my circle file, it returns this:
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml returned exit code 127

I don’t think this is related to the initial issue—are there any details to the database.yml error? Is that the complete error message? In which step, under which command does it show up? Thanks.

It shows up under the dependencies section, and it only shows what I pasted.

Where does the cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml command come from? Is it one of the commands you specify in your circle.yml or in the UI?

Also, could you please recap once again which issues are you experiencing right now to make sure we are debugging the right thing? Thanks.

That’s something that I put in, but I don’t think it’s necessary.

I resolved this by actually just removing my .rvmrc file.

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